Our children are our future,
they are our hope and they hold our hearts in their little hands. When they grow up, they are still our
children and we still want to protect them. If there is one basic human feeling that we should all
understand in guts its the common human desire to protect our children and
their future. No matter what
culture, language, race or nationality we all seek the good of our children and
would do anything for them.
We have this common basic
desire and yet, how we struggle to see this in each other. We see the differences between us and
get scared rather than have compassion.
In Ferguson, Missouri a
community is grieving because one of their children (yes, 18 year olds are big kids,
but still kids) was murdered with
his hands up in a sign of surrender by someone who had sworn to serve and
protect. Would any of us be calm
if our 18 year old was killed in such a way? Would our community?
And the man who shot him was not arrested, but is protected. The reputation of the victim has been
smeared. The community stands in
protest of this injustice and the police takes the stance of a militaristic,
oppressive force. Who will
say that this is not OK?
Psalm 82:2:
How long will you
judge unjustly
and show
partiality to the wicked?
Give justice to
the weak and the orphan;
maintain the
right of the lowly and the destitute.
Rescue the weak
and the needy;
deliver them
from the hand of the wicked.
God says its not ok to treat people as if they are nothing. God says we have to give justice, especially to the weak,
the lowly, the poor and the needy.
God will judge us if we do not stand up for the Michael Browns, the
Trayvon Martins, the children who study in broken down schools, the children
with not enough to eat, the children judged by the color of their skin rather
than the content of their character.
Everyday we have an opportunity to stand for others, on the
side of God. With our words,
actions and attitude we can make a difference and fight racism, sexism,
anti-Semitism and injustice wherever we find it. We can say to each other that it is not OK to judge people
by skin color, religion, or nationality.
We can say "no" to those who would have one group be better or
more powerful than any other. We
can say "no" to the swastika, the Confederate flag, and to hateful
speech that belittles and demeans.
We can stand up for all children.
God help us make the world a safe place for every child. God help us