Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wonderful Food

Another wonderful Fall Festival Feast, good food, new friends and old friends meeting and eating and serving together.  $3,903 raised for our church!  WOW!  Thats a record!   Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to all who worked so very hard on the dinner and to all who came and ate with us!!!

I want to remind us that in everything that we do as a community, fundraiser or worship, has to be done with the same spirit of love, acceptance and care.   We all would like things done "our way", but when working with a community we have to make room for others.  One of the highlights of the evening for me was  the enthusiasm of kids who came to eat late and then wanted to help clean up afterwards.  They didn't know what they were doing, we made some messes, but eventually we made progress and got things done.  Was it as quiet and organized as having only the adults help?  No way, but the kids felt like they were an important part of the church community, and the adults were tired so the help was much appreciated.  

In all things, we have to practice our vision: Accepting all through the unconditional love of God!

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