Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Power of Stillness

"Be still and know that I am God"

God commands that we do what is good for us - to be still and be with Him.

Stillness is counter-cultural in our world that values constant communication, motion, accomplishment.  Yet all that busy-ness, all the going can keep us from truly feeling our feelings and letting God be at work in our hearts.

Be Still, God says.

Just Be.

Be still, and in quiet listen to God.

Connect with God.

Let God open up your heart and be at work inside you.

10-15 minutes a day

1 hour a week

1 day a month

2-3 days a year

Be still and be with God

Need a guide to get started?      Michael Hyatt has a simple guide here

Want someone to walk you through some guided meditations?  UCLA Mindfulness center has some great guided meditations here.  They are from a secular, health perspective

Here are some Christian guided meditations  from a faith perspective.

Ready for a day-long retreat?  here is a great website that will walk you through a whole day with God!  I also have some books and other resources for taking a personal retreat day.

Want a great place to go on a personal retreat?  Wellsprings Farms (formerly Clare's Well) is a wonderful place to get away by yourself and its not too far away.

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